Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Our class went to the american museum of natural history. We did worksheets that Rick hands us. We went around and jot down notes and answer questions. The big bang movie and journey to the stars. I learned from the Hall of Meteorites that Ahnignito was one of the biggest meteor of Greenland.

The three things i learned were the differences between a meteor and a meterorite. Also when we were looking in the middle of the hall of meteors. Ahnignito, the women,and the dog. Ahnignito was the biggest meteor found ever in Greenland. What i want to know is the temperature of the surface and is it significsnt to jupiter or the planet earth.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Galileo Galilei's Discovery

Galileo dicovered Io the moon of Jupiter, on January 7,1610

<------- Galileo's Telescope
